::Spades Ace::
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::Spades Ace::
(You need to either log in or register in order to view the complete site.) Please sign up with your character name, and note that you cannot read the rules or anything else without creating an account on the site, except for a few things.
::Spades Ace::
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Rules of Trials

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Rules of Trials Empty Rules of Trials

Post by Dante M Leader Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:55 pm

1.) In order to accuse someone, please put the username, character name, their rank, and what they have done.
2.) If you wish to agree, or disagree, you may. But you need to include your own recollection of the reason this member is being accused.
3.) The leader will post a poll for the 12 council members (moderators) to vote on.
4.) When a decision has been made, the accused will be informed of the decision, as well as their punishment. This can be one of many things:
- Pack Service: the accused is sentenced to serving the pack as a servant.
- Rank Strip: The rank will be given to the next in line, and the accused will have to earn their rank back.
- Temporary Banishment: The accused will be banished for a set amount of days, based on their crime.
- Permanent Banishment: The accused will be stripped of their rank, kicked from the pack, and banished to fend for themselves.
- Execution: The accused will be put to death.
5.) False accusations will result in a trial of your own.
6.) If your character is Permanently Banished, or Executed, you will be given a second chance to create another character for the pack.

Dante M Leader

Posts : 7
Join date : 2015-04-06


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